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ABANCA Corporación Bancaria, S.A. - Tender Offer Launch - Iberclear

ABANCA Corporación Bancaria, S.A. to the holders of the following Bonds: (ISIN ISIN ES085936001) - The company reports a Tender Offer of Additional Tier 1 ISIN ES085936001.

05 JULY 2023

Full announcement including disclaimers and disclosures, available via Abanca Corporacion Bancaris SA





ABANCA Corporación Bancaria, S.A. to the holders of the following Bonds: (ISIN ES0265936007) - The company reports of a cash repurchase offer addressed to the holders of subordinated notes called "350 millones € Fix Rate Reset Subordinated Notes Due 2029", as well as the issue of new subordinated notes in the amount of 500 million €.

13 JUNE 2023

Full announcement including disclaimers and disclosures, available via Abanca Corporacion Bancaris SA





ABANCA Corporación Bancaria, S.A. to the holders of the following Covered Bonds: First Issue of Cédulas Hipotecarias I/2019 (ISIN ES0465936054) to tender such Covered Bonds for purchase by the Issuer for cash

09 FEBRUARY 2023

Full announcement available via CNMV.

ABANCA has decided to invite the holders of mortgage bonds corresponding to itsissue called "First Issue of Cédulas Hipotecarias I/2019" (with code ISIN ES0465936054) (the "Cédulas Hipotecarias") to offer said Cédulas Hipotecarias for cash buyback by ABANCA (the "Offer"), subject to restrictions of the offer listed below and in the Offer Memorandum (as defined later).

The Mortgage Bonds were issued by virtue of the Securities Note registered in the National Securities Market Commission ("CNMV") on May 28, 2019, which complemented the ABANCA Registration Document registered with the CNMV on 31 of October 2018, and are admitted to trading in AIAF Fixed Income Market.

In the following table includes additional details of the Cédulas Hipotecarias and the Offer:"


"Reason for Offer

ABANCA makes the Offer in order to provide liquidity to the holders of Bonds Mortgages, while optimizing their interest risk and financing position and liquidity."

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