Heimstaden Bostad AB (publ) - Tender Offer (Unmodified Dutch Auction) - Results
Heimstaden Bostad (publ) announces results of Tender Offer
06 MARCH 2023
Full announcement available via EURONEXT.
The Company today announces that it will accept for purchase SEK 10,103,299,811 (equivalent to approximately EUR 907,175,290) in aggregate principal amount of Securities validly tendered pursuant to the Offers. The total purchase consideration (excluding Accrued Interest Payments) for Securities validly tendered and accepted for purchase pursuant to the Offers will be SEK 9,333,366,687 (equivalent to approximately EUR 838,042,995) (the "Total Purchase Consideration"), which will be partially funded by new equity raised from new and existing shareholders in an amount of SEK 3,337,000,000 (equivalent to approximately EUR 299,629,230) and partially funded by existing liquidity available to the Company.
The Company decided to upsize the transaction and use its existing liquidity for this liability management exercise. The maximum equity commitment of SEK 4,500,000,000 (equivalent to approximately EUR 404,055,000) was not fully utilised as certain non-accepted tender bids did not satisfy the Company's liability management target.
All SEK/EUR conversions herein are based on the SEK/EUR exchange rate of 0.08979 at 4.00 p.m. (London time) on 3 March 2023.
The final results of the Offers are as follows:
For Securities which are subject to scaling, the Scaling Factor has been applied to tender instructions at the Fixed Purchase Price or Minimum Purchase Price, as applicable.
Heimstaden Bostad (publ) announces today its invitation to holders
27 FEBRUARY 2023
Full announcement available via Lonse
Heimstaden Bostad AB (publ) (the "Company") announces today its invitations to holders of the outstanding securities listed in the table below (each a "Series" and together, the "Securities"), to tender such Securities for purchase by the Company for cash (the "Offers"). The purchase price in respect of any of the (i) SEK 1,050,000,000 Floating Rate Notes due 23 November 2023, (ii) SEK 2,800,000,000 0.933 per cent. Notes due 23 November 2023, (iii) SEK 850,000,000 0.875 per cent. Fixed Rate Notes due 22 January 2024, (iv) EUR 700,000,000 2.125 per cent. Notes due 5 September 2023, and (v) EUR 700,000,000 Callable Floating Rate Notes due 19 January 2024 validly tendered and accepted for purchase by the Company will be the relevant fixed purchase price specified below, and the purchase price in respect of the Securities of any other Series validly tendered and accepted for purchase by the Company will be determined pursuant to a separate unmodified Dutch auction in respect of each Series of Securities, on the terms and subject to the conditions set out in the tender offer memorandum dated 27 February 2023 (the "Tender Offer Memorandum") prepared by the Company. The Offers are subject to the offer and distribution restrictions set out below and as more fully described in the Tender Offer Memorandum.
Rationale for the Offers
The purpose of the Offers is, amongst other things, to proactively improve the Company’s liability composition and debt maturity profile.