Wendel - Tender Offer - Results (FR)
Success of the offer to repurchase bonds for a total amount of €90.8 million
19 JUNE 2023
Full announcement including disclaimers and offer restrictions available via Wendel
"Wendel has successfully repurchased its 2026 bond issue under its tender offer for a nominal amount of €90.8 million, i.e. a total amount of €84.3 million (excluding accrued interest) with a spread of 50bps on the mid-swap rate. The remaining outstanding nominal amount will be €209.2 million after the settlement date. The bonds tendered in this transaction will be cancelled. The 2026 bond is traded on Euronext Paris. Wendel successfully placed a €300 million bond issue maturing in June 2030 with a coupon of 4.5% last week. The repurchase of the bonds is conditional upon the effective settlement of this new issue."
Launch of an offer to repurchase the bond maturing in April 2026 with outstanding principal of €300 million
12 JUNE 2023
Full announcement including disclaimers and offer restrictions available via Wendel
"Wendel is launching today a €300 million issue of 7-year bonds (the "Bond Issue").
Simultaneously and subject to the completion of the Bond Issue, Wendel launches a tender offer to repurchase (“the Repurchase Offer”) the bond bearing interest at 1.375% and maturing in April 2026, with outstanding principal amount: €300 million (ISIN FR0013417128).
When considering allocation of the new Bonds, Wendel may, at its sole and absolute discretion, give preference to those holders who, prior to such allocation, have validly tendered or indicated their firm intention to Wendel or any of the Dealer Managers to tender the existing notes in the context of the Repurchase Offer and subscribe for the new Bonds.
The 2026 bond is traded, and the new 2030 bond will be traded, on the regulated market of Euronext Paris.
These two transactions will enable Wendel to extend its debt maturity profile. Results of the placement of the Bond Issue will be announced by the end of the day and those of the Repurchase Offer will be announced on June 19. Crédit Agricole CIB, CIC, Mediobanca and Société Générale serve as active bookrunners for the Bond Issue. Credit Agricole CIB and Société Générale serve as Dealer Managers of the tender offer."